
Aims & Objects of the Centre

  • To provide, promote and encourage cultural, literary, educational, sports, social and recreational activities for its members and foster spirit of brotherhood and fraternity across the District of Faridabad on a no profit no loss basis.
  • In furtherance of its objectives (i) to establish and develop relations with national and inter-national Organizations, (ii) to undertake, organise and facilitate study courses, conferences, seminars, lectures, kavi sammelans, mushairas, festivals, film festivals, book fairs, other fairs, etc. (iii) To undertake, facilitate and provide for the publication of magazines, newsletters, research papers, books and a journal (iv) To establish and maintain libraries and information centres/services to facilitate study of cultural and literature.
  • To organise and maintain on a no-profit/no-loss basis, limited residential accommodation, with cultural and educational amenities, for the members of the Centre.
  • To establish for the management and administration of all the properties, moneys, assets, and activities of the Centre,
  • To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise any movable or immovable property in the interest of promotion of aims & objects of the Centre and to sell, lease or mortgage the same.
  • To raise funds through subscription, donation, exhibition matches, by issuing appeals through advertisements in the souvenir.
  • To contribute materially and/or otherwise for cultural, literary, educational, sports, social and recreational upliftment of the Centre and to fulfill social obligations individually or collectively in case of any natural disaster.
  • any other activity or function incidental to or connected with the above objects.
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B2/08, Central Green Pride, Top Floor
Near BK Chowk, NIT, Faridabad -121001 flccfaridabad@gmail.com

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